Ezio Tartaglia publish a work on company shares' buying.
The author of counsel of Nova Studia faces an original matter of sure impact and not well treated; Its' the point of purchase of shares with safety clauses for the buyer ('ACQUISTO DI PACCHETTI AZIONARI E QUOTE SOCIETARIE. CLAUSOLE DI TUTELA DELL'ACQUIRENTE NEL PROCESSO DI M&A).
Particular focus is given on some specific single clauses ("Reps & Warranties - Indemnities - Condition to suspend - Termination clauses - Post-closing).
Michele Baroc will be speaking on june 2009, the 16th, for the familiy observatory of Parma about relationships between foreign jurisdictions in the context of the family crisis.
Michele Baroc will speak about substantive and procedural problems related to relationships between foreign jurisdictions within the context of family law litigation.