SLT & Partners will be engaged in a day training event on professional liability and insurance "formazione per SNA in materia di responsabilità civile e assicurazione" (copy 1).
In Milan on June 16th 2015, Hotel Adi Doria - the event is part of the obligatory training days provided by law for insurance brokers, inscribed to the Law Register called RUI.
Professionals of SLT & Partners - Nova Studia Milan (Lwrs. Tilli, Nosengo and Tacchini) encharged by "Sindacato Nazionale di Assicurazioni" will be engaged in a training event in Milan on insurance law and professional liability.
Lwy. Nosengo, Tacchini and TIlli, trainers for IIR on negotiation and draft of insurance contracts for agencies.
27th and 28th Oct 2015 Ata hotel executive Milan.
SLT & Partners-Nova Studia Milano continue to work in training programmes with IIR on insurance law (see the attached brochure).