Ezio Tartaglia in the bookshops with his last publication on agency expenses - Maggioli Edition.

Ezio Tartaglia, of counsel of Nova Studia, is newly in the bookshops facing the matter of "SPESE DI RAPPRESENTANZA, PROPAGANDA, PUBBLICITA' E SPONSORIZZAZIONE" (agency, sponsorship expenses)

It's a unique and valuable description of managing tax companies, and accountancy matters about the agency expenses. It was updated with the Circular of "Agenzia delle Entrate" n. 34/2009.

A book of sure impact for all the professionals who want to face this matter.

Best compliments to Ezio by the team of Nova Studia.



Nova Studia Professional Alliance resign its partnership with the training company in Business Law "Droit Des Affaires".

Nova Studia professionals also, in 2010, confirmed their active presence in the teaching staff of the training company "Droit Des Affaires", focused on business law.

Nicola Tilli, Miriam Polini, Ezio Tartaglia, Michele Baroc, Laura Lecchi, Anthony Sistilli, Luca Salvi and Marco Saponara will be involved in law matters according to their skills already developed for other institutional training companies, such as "Istituto Internazionale di ricerca" of Informa group listed in London Stock Exchange and Alma Laboris.

For more details, check directly on the website www.droitdesaffaires.it.