Telecinco Vs Youtube: la televisione contro la rete" del 17.11.2010 on

Vincenzo Colarocco is the author of an interesting article about the leading case in Cyber Law concerning the publishing via the web by Youtube of TV content protected by copyright.

Avv. Baroc, Nosengo and Tilli organizers and lecturers on June 2011 the 22nd for IIR of a conference on legal management of family assets.

Michele Baroc, Giovanni Nosengo and Nicola Tilli by Nova Studia are organizers and speakers at the IIR conference on legal management of family assets. The most relevant legal instruments, such as insurance contracts, trusts, family contracts and others, will be focused on the way to practical solutions for both (the client and financial manager) in any individual situation.


Nicola Tilli is the speaker, on May 2011 the 26th/27th, at IIR (Istituto Internazionale di Ricerca) conference on Legal Compliance.

Nicola Tilli, with Giovanni Nosengo, renews his cooperation with IIR and will be a speaker at the conference dedicated to Legal Compliance. From a multidisciplinary perspective, it will discuss the matters related to corporate administrative liability, occupational health and safety, privacy and corporate risks insurability.


Michele Baroc speaker at Seminar on Succession Law organized by ANF Parma.

Michele Baroc, speaker on Succession Law, about the nullity of testamentary deeds.

See the link video of the lesson at:

Michele Baroc speaker on nov 2011 at Seminar organized by Parma University and ANF on separation and divorce according to the International Private Law.

Michele Baroc has been invited as a speaker at a top event organized by the University of Parma and ANF about separation and divorce according to the rules provided by International Private Law.

Michele Baroc speaker at ANF Parma Seminar on Succession Law.

Michele Baroc has been involved in lawyers' training about Trust and Succession Law, coming soon on the ANF Parma website at

Luca Salvi will be teacher in the Alma Laboris master about the corporate lawyer in November 2011.

Luca Salvi was confirmed as a trainer in the teaching staff of the Alma Laboris master about corporate law.
